Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Unleash the giant within you

Many of us walk through life everyday in a dejected, negative and defeated mindset. Some people have already given up and are just waiting for death to come and take them away. Growing upThe first two choruses in Mariah Carey's song hero inspir ed me every time I heard them.
There is a hero, if you look inside your heart. You dont have to be afraid of what you are.There is an answer, if you look into your soul, you dont have to fear what your are. And the hero comes along, the hero within you, with a strength to carry on. Then you cast your fears aside, and at that very moment you know you can survive. So whenever you feel as if if hope is gone, look inside of you and be strong.
Everything that you need in this life is inside you. God did not create failures. He put talents that will catapult us to greater heights and cause us to mingle with kings. Proverbs 18:16 a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.
We run around, bound by the captivity of our negativity. This is a prison, only that it is not walled. The walls are invisible, they are in our minds. We need to free ourselves from negative attitudes and embrace thoughts that will awaken the sleeping giants within ourselves. It is said that the richest places on earth are the cemeteries. Therein lies dreams from people who died without achieving them. Best sellers that were never penned down. Great companies that were never opened, songs never written. The famous author George Bernard Shaw wrote; Some people see things as they are and say 'why'?  I dream of  things that never were and say 'why not'? Today I purpose not to put aside this task. I shall not procrastinate anymore. I shall arise and break the chains of bondage and captivity of negativity. I chose today to live right and not to allow stress to eat me up slowly from within. I purpose to release and unleash the giant that has been sleeping inside of me.

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