Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hope against Hope

April 4th 2015....... Saturday. It is a lazy day. Recovering from my past week. I had been waking up at 4 pm daily so that I make it to the office by 7 am. My abode is far and is prone to daily traffic jams. There were important meetings that I needed to be in, on time. The brain is a very intriguing part of a human being's anatomy. From Monday till Thursday it had been a tedious task just to wake up. I set my alarm to wake me up at 4.30 am. I then proceed to snooze the alarm till 5.30 am. But on this Saturday, I wake up automatically without any alarm, at 4.30 am. I then have to struggle to force some sleep into my eyes. Very strange.
Life is full of high risks. Waking up in Kenya is already risky. You don't know where the next AL-shabab militia will hit. Already the government has confirmed that 142 innocent students of Garissa University died from the Thursday attack. Twenty of them were Christian Union Members who were killed while praying. God rest their souls inb eternal peace. Three policemen were killed in the line of duty. What an honor it is to die while defending ones country. I was born in Kenya. I dont know any other country. Kenya feeds me, clothes me. Kenya is my motherland. I love my motherland. I shall defend my motherland.
Today I am hopeful; You see hope is the only weapon that can conquer fear. I am hopeful for a better tomorrow. A tomorrow full of God's blessings. A tomorrow where brother does not raise a sword against brother. A future that sons bury their fathers and not the other way round.And so I hope. This is the only thing keeping some of us alive right now. That single mother with two sons to feed and no income. Who wakes up every morning without knowing how to feed the boys. But God in his own supernatural way always provides daily for them.
This day I purpose to uphold my hope. Keep hope going, keep hope alive, keep the flame burning. This might be my only hope for a better day tomorrow.

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