Monday, January 8, 2018

The day I got seduced by a gay cop

My husstles in the great city of Nairobi otherwise known as Nairobbery have led  me to so many encounters. I always say, were it not for my Mum's prayers I would have been long dead.
I always was a hawker. Even before coming to the great city in the sun. When I was still walking for miles to sell products that would give me 80 shillings profit back then in Nakuru.
On this day I was selling knife sets. I was working for a merchandising company and was supposed to sell each set at 499 Kes and make a 10 percent commission.
Business was hard and the products weren't moving. It must have been January. This particular day I chose to work the Thika road territory. I went from shop to shop telling that colorful story.
''Am from a wholesale company and today we are doing a promotion and everything is half price..... blah blah blah''
Just after Utalii college, there is the Nairobi Traffic headquarters. I decided to pitch to the cops, afterall they work with the traffic department and are famed to have lots of cash. I went straight to a bunch of officers sitting outside the main office. I introduced myself and paraded my products which were in a bag. They seemed interested and two of them in fact reached out for their wallets and paid cash for a set of knives each. I became motivated and insisted on the others to buy too.
One of them a tall dark guy with smiling face asked me if I would care to accompany me to his house so that he could get the cash to buy. I agreed and followed him towards the officers staff quarters.
He was very friendly and immediately we stroke a conversion.
When we got to the house he offered me a glass of juice and asked me to feel at home. Since it was very hot outside and it was already passed lunch hour I agreed knowing that he would offer me some food. Sure enough Mr friendly offered me some nyama choma that he had fished from the fridge and warmed in the microwave.
We ate quietly as I anticipated him buying like three sets of knives because of how he kept good things about them.
One thing was off though, Mr friendly sat too close to me for comfort. I kept moving but eveytime
I would feel him close to me again. Also his hand would always find its way in the most peculiar of place, like my upper legs and buttocks.....
At first I innocently thought this was accidental, but then the frequency increased and I thought what kind of man is this......eeeeew!
By now it was almost six thirty in the evening and and dusk was fast approaching. By now the red lights in my head were furiously flashing and I was no longer interested in the knife sets sale.
Then Mr friendly made the weirdest of proposals. ''Since its getting late why dont you spend the night here and go tomorrow?''
NO! I blurted out. I have to report to the office and handover the remaining products, otherwise I will be fined''
At that moment, my heart was racing so fast I thought it was going to pop out of its cage. Knowing that this man was an officer I was positive he had a firearm somewhere. I pictured vividly him raping me at gunpoint. I made a silent prayer and asked God to deliver me from the hand of the devil....

To be continued.....

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